Setup using rsh
- rsh and rcp
The installation and use of WebMO remote computational servers requires that rsh (remote-shell)
and rcp (remote-copy) be installed on the WebMO web server. In addition, rshd/rlogind (remote-shell
daemon) must be installed and running on the remote computational server.
- Existing account
The installation and use of a WebMO remote computational server requires that the
administrator have an existing account on each remote server. Ideally (but not required),
this should be a new one created specifically for WebMO (see security considerations below).
Set-up process
For purposes of this discussion, it will be assumed that WebMO was installed on
"" running as user "nobody". It will further be assumed that a account with name
"webmo" was created on the server "" for use by WebMO.
- Configure .rhosts file
- Create a new account names webmo on
- Login to the webmo account on
- Create/append .rhosts file
% vi .rhosts (note the period in from of the 'r')
Add the line " nobody"
- Restrict access to .rhosts file
% chmod 600 .rhosts
This gives the user nobody from remote access to this new account.
Important: If cgiwrap is installed (see "Security considerations"), change "nobody"
in the above description to the username under whose directory WebMO was installed on the webserver.
- Troubleshooting
The first troubleshooting method is to ensure that one can execute commands on the remote machine
from the command prompt of the webserver machine.
- Login to the webmo account on
- Create/append .rhosts file
% vi .rhosts (note the period in from of the 'r')
Add the line " username"
where username is the name of an account you can access on
for testing purposes.
- Login to the username account on
- Test rsh
% rsh -l webmo ls
(This should list the files on the remote machine. Any error messages
here indicate a problem with your rsh/rshd setup; consult your system
administrator for further assistance.)
- If desired, cleanup .rhosts file on
The second troubleshooting method is to determine the username under which the WebMO webserver
is running.
- If you have not yet created any webmo users, login to WebMO
as 'admin' and create a user
- Login to an account on
- Proceed to the <userBase> directory
% cd /home/smith/webmo
- Determine the owner of any users directory (not admin)
%ls -alF
drwdrwxrwxrwx 8 nobody nobody 119 May 26 11:06 smith/
In the above example, the webserver is running as 'nobody'.
It is vital that the username is the .rhosts file match this username.
Security considerations
Running rshd/rlogind (required for rsh/rcp access) on a computational server poses some
inherent security risk due to the nature of the programs. Note that if rshd/rlogind was
already running on the server, using WebMO does not increase this risk; the risk is inherent
in having rshd/rlogind running. However, the following measures can help decrease the risk.
- Create a unique account for WebMO
Since rsh access is on an account-by-account basis, create a new, unique account for WebMO
on the computational server. This will help ensure that rsh access is available to only
those files required to run WebMO.
- TCP wrappers
Install and configure tcp_wrappers on computational server to allow rsh access
to only those computers that require such access.
- suexec
Suexec is a program that allows cgi scripts run as the user in whose directory they are installed,
rather than 'nobody'. This can be convenient both for security and for practical reasons. In particular,
rather than allowing rsh access from the user 'nobody' (which all webserver scripts run under),
rsh access from the user in whose directory the WebMO scripts are installed. Suexec is normally
installed and enabled by default on most Linux distributions. However, it is NOT installed by
default on Mac OS X, and must be compiled and installed seperately.
- Use ssh instead of rsh
See below for setup information.
Setup using ssh
- ssh and scp
The installation and use of WebMO remote computational servers requires that rssh
and scp (remote-copy) be installed on the WebMO web server. In addition, sshd
must be installed and running on the remote computational server.
- Existing account
The installation and use of a WebMO remote computational server requires that the
administrator have an existing account on each remote server. Ideally (but not required),
this should be a new one created specifically for WebMO (see security considerations below).
- suexec
Suexec is a program that allows cgi scripts run as the user in whose directory they are installed,
rather than 'nobody'. This can be convenient both for security and for practical reasons. In particular,
rather than allowing rsh access from the user 'nobody' (which all webserver scripts run under),
rsh access from the user in whose directory the WebMO scripts are installed. Suexec is normally
installed and enabled by default on most Linux distributions. However, it is NOT installed by
default on Mac OS X, and must be compiled and installed seperately.
Set-up process
For purposes of this discussion, it will be assumed that WebMO was installed on
"" running as user "webmo". It will further be assumed that a account with name
"webmo" was created on the server "" for use by WebMO.
- Create a public/private keypair
- Login to the webmo account on
- Create keypair
% ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -t rsa
You must enter a blank passphrase.
- vi ~/.ssh/
Copy contents of file to clipboard.
- Add public key to list of authorized keys
- Login to the webmo account on
- vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Paste contents of clipboard to file.
- chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Misc. setup
- Configure WebMO to use SSH2
Early version of WebMO were configured to use SSH1 rather than SSH2. This
setting is not changed during upgrades. Thus, you must manually change WebMO
to use SSH2.
% vi webmo_cgi/interfaces/
Delete the contents of the entry 'sshOptions' and 'scpOptions'.
- Testing
- Login to the webmo account on
- SSH to
% ssh
(The first time you should be prompted to accept the identity of
% exit
% ssh
(You should now be logged on to without any prompting)
% exit
Configuring WebMO
- Add the remote server to WebMO
- Login to WebMO as the WebMO administrator
- Proceed to the "Remote Server Manager"
- Type in a name for the remote server (e.g. 'Remote 1')
- Type in the address for the remote server (e.g. '')
- Type in the username of the account established on this server (e.g. 'webmo')
- Type in the home directory corresponding to this username (e.g. '/home/webmo' or '/usr/people/webmo')
- Type in the scratch directory location on this server (e.g. '/tmp' or '/scratch')
- Click "Add" to add the computational server
After 5 to 60 seconds, a message should appear stating that the computational server has been successfully added. If an error message appears, consult the troubleshooting section below.
- Enable the interfaces for the new server
- Proceed to the "Interface Manager"
- Select the remote server and click the "Change" button
- Click the "Enable" button for each available interface
- Configure each new interface
- Proceed to the "Computational Engine Manager"
- Select the remote server and click the "Change" button
- Edit preferences, such as path to the executable, as appropriate